Osho - Weekly Meditation For The Here And Now
Weekly Meditation - Week 15. Logic
April 9
The modern mind has become too rational; it is caught in the net if logic.
Much repression has happened because logic is a dictatorial force, totalitarian. Once logic controls you, it kills many things. Logic is like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin; it does not allow the opposite to exist, and emotions are opposite. Love, meditation, is opposite to logic. Religion is opposite to reason. So reason simply massacres them, kills them, uproots them. Then suddenly you see that your life is meaningless-because all meaning is irrational.
So first you listen to reason, and then you kill all that was going to give meaning to your life. When you have killed and you are feeling victorious, suddenly you feel empty. Now nothing is left in your hand, only logic. And what can you do with logic? You cannot eat it. You cannot drink it. You cannot love it. You cannot live it. It is just rubbish.
If you tend to be intellectual, it will be difficult. Life is simple, nonintellectual. The whole problem of humanity is metaphysics. Life is as simple as a rose -there's nothing complicated about it - and yet it is mysterious. Although there is nothing complicated about it, we are not able to comprehend it through the intellect. You can fall in love with a rose, you can smell it, you can touch it, you can feel it, you can even be it, but if you start dissecting it, you will only have something dead in your hands.
April 10
Low Energy
Don't think that anything is wrong with having low energy. There is also nothing especially right about having high energy.
You can use high energy as a destructive force. That's what high energy people all over the world have been doing all through the centuries. The world has never suffered from low - energy people. In fact, they have been the most innocent people. They cannot become a Hitler or a Stalin or a Mussolini. They cannot create world wars.
They don't try to conquer the world. They are not ambitious. They cannot fight or become politicians. Low energy is wrong only if it becomes indifference. If it remains positive, nothing is wrong with it. The difference is like the difference between shouting, which is high energy, and whispering, which is low energy. There are moments when shouting is foolish and only whispering is right.
There are a few people who are attuned to shouting and a few who are attuned to whispering.
April 11
The Only Duty
One thing that one should always maintain - and it is the only duty is to be happy.
Make it a religion to be happy. If you are not happy, something must be wrong and some drastic change is needed. Let happiness decide. I am a hedonist. And happiness is the only criterion humankind has. There is no other criterion. Happiness gives you the clue that things are going well. Unhappiness gives you the indication that things are going wrong and that a great change is needed somewhere.
April 12
Remain Unexplained
Everything in life need not be explained. We have no responsibility to explain anything to anybody.
All that is deep is always unexplained. That which you can explain will be very superficial. There are things that you cannot explain. If you fall in love with a person, how can you explain how you have fallen in love? Whatever you answer will sound stupid because of his nose, because of her face, because of his voice. All those things will not seem worth mentioning, but there is something there in the person. Those things may be part of why you love the person, but that "something" is bigger than everything. That something is more than the total.
April 13
Making A Path
When there has been a breakthrough, make it a point to relive it again and again. Just sitting silently, remember it; don't just remember it, relive it.
Start feeling the same as you felt when the breakthrough happened. Let the vibrations surround you. Move into the same space, and allow it to happen so it becomes, by and by, very natural to you. You become so capable of bringing it back that any moment you can do it.
Many valuable insights happen, but they need follow-up. Otherwise they become just memories and you will lose contact and will not be able to move into the same world. By and by, one day you yourself will start disbelieving them. You may think that it was a dream or a hypnosis or some trick of the mind. That's how humanity has lost many beautiful experiences.
Everybody comes to beautiful spaces in life. But we never try to make a path to those beautiful spaces so that they become as natural as eating, taking a bath, or going to sleep, so that whenever you close your eyes you can be in that space.
April 14
Almost Mad
To become a seeker is almost to become mad as far as the world is concerned. So you are entering into madness. But that madness is the only sanity there is!
Our misery is that we have forgotten the language of love. The reason we have forgotten the language of love is that we have become too identified with reason. Nothing is wrong with reason, but it has a tendency to monopolize. It clings to the whole of your being. Then feeling suffers - feeling is starved - and by and by you forget about feeling completely. So it goes on shrinking and shrinking, and that dead feeling becomes a dead weight; that feeling becomes a dead heart.
Then one can go on pulling oneself along somehow - it will always be "somehow." There will be no charm, no magic, because without love there is no magic in life. And there will be no poetry either; life will be all prose, flat. Yes, it will have grammar, but it will not have a song in it. It will have a structure, but it will not have substance.
The risk of moving from reason to feeling, and trying to bring a balance, is something only for those people who are really courageous - for mad people only - because the price of admittance is nothing but your reason - dominated mind, your logic-dominated mind, your mathematically dominated mind.
When that attitude is dropped, prose is no longer at the center, but poetry; purpose no longer at the center, but play; money no longer at the center, but meditation; power no longer at the center, but simplicity, nonpossessiveness, a sheer joy of life - almost a madness.
April 15
Changing The World
You are your world, so when you change your attitude you change the very world in which you exist. We cannot change the world—that’s what politicians have been trying to do down through the ages, and they have utterly failed.
The only way to change the world is to change your vision, and suddenly you will live in a different world. We don't live in the same world, and we are not all contemporaries. Somebody may be living in the past-how can he be your contemporary? He may be sitting by your side and thinking of the past; then he is not your contemporary.
Somebody may be in the future, already in that which is not yet. How can he be your contemporary?
Only two people who live in the now are contemporaries, but in the now they are no more - because you are your past and your future. The present is not of you, it has nothing to do with you. When two people are absolutely in the here and now, they are not - then God is. We live in the same world only when we live in God.
You may live with another person for years, and you live in your world and she lives in hers-hence the continuous clash of two worlds colliding. By and by, one learns how to avoid this collision. That's what we call living together: trying to avoid the collision, trying not to come to a clash. That's what we call family, society, humanity... all bogus! You cannot really be with a man or a woman unless you both live in God.
There is no other love, no other family, and no other society.