Osho - Weekly Meditation For The Here And Now
Weekly Meditation - Week 31. Irresponsibility
July 29
When you start becoming responsible toward yourself, you start dropping your false faces. Others start feeling disturbed, because they have always had expectations and you were fulfilling those demands.
Now they feel that you are becoming irresponsible. When say that you are being irresponsible, they are simply saying that you are getting out from under their domination. You are becoming freer. To condemn what you are doing, they call it "irresponsible."
In fact, your freedom is growing. And you are becoming responsible, but responsibility means the ability to respond. It is not a duty that has to be fulfilled in the ordinary sense. It is responsiveness, a sensitivity. But the more sensitive you become, the more you will find that many people think that you are becoming irresponsible - and you have to accept that - because their interests, their investments, will not be satisfied. Many times you will not fulfill their expectations, but nobody is here to fulfill anybody else's expectations.
The basic responsibility is toward oneself. So a meditator first becomes very very selfish. But later on, when one has become more centered, rooted into one's own being, energy starts overflowing. But it is not a duty. It is not that one has to do it. One loves to do it; it is a sharing.
July 30
Whenever something really happens, it is always inexpressible.
When nothing happens, you can talk much about it. But when something really happens, then to talk is almost impossible. One simply feels helpless. So blessed are the moments when something happens and one cannot say what is happening and what has happened, when one is at a loss and loses all articulateness.
Then something has really happened!
July 31
Happy Confusion
Clarity is if the mind. Happiness is if the total. All that is alive is always confusing. Only dead things are clear.
Don't seek clarity, otherwise you will start clinging to your misery, because misery is very clear. You go to a doctor, and if you have any disease he can diagnose it in a very clear-cut way. He can diagnose if you have cancer or a thousand and one different diseases. But if you are healthy, the doctor has nothing to diagnose. In fact, medical science has no way to define what health is. At the most they can say that you are not ill, but they cannot be very definite about what health is. Health cannot be pigeonholed.
Happiness is bigger than health. Health is the happiness of the body, happiness is the health of the soul. So don't be bothered about clarity. We are not doing arithmetic here; forget all about it. Confusion is chaotic, certainly, even frightening - but the adventure is there and the challenge. So take the challenge.
Focus more on happiness and forget about confusion, because confusion is bound to be there. When you are moving in new territory that you have never tasted before, your old patterns will be confused. Listen to happiness; let it be the indicator. Let happiness decide your direction, and then move into that.
August 1
A person of soul has no character. A person is an opening. Tomorrow who knows whom you will be?
Even you cannot say who you will be, because you have not known tomorrow yet and what it brings. So people who are really alert never promise anything, because how can you promise? You cannot say to somebody, "I will love you tomorrow also," because who knows? Real awareness will give you such humbleness that you will say, "I cannot say anything about tomorrow. We will see. Let tomorrow come. I hope that 1 will love you, but nothing is certain." And that is the beauty.
If you have character you can be very clear, but when you live in freedom it can be very confusing to you, and to others also. But this confusion has a beauty in it because it is alive, throbbing always with new possibilities.
August 2
When the tree is overflowing with vitality it blooms and flowers. Flowers are a luxury. Only when you have too much and you cannot contain it, do they burst forth.
Spirituality is a flowering - it is the ultimate luxury. If you are overflowing with vitality, only then does something like a golden flower bloom in you. William Blake was right when he said, "Energy is delight."The more energy you have, the more delight you will have.
Despair comes because energy goes on leaking, and people have forgotten how to contain it. In a thousand and one thoughts, worries, desires, imagination, dreams, memories, energy is leaking. And energy is leaking in unnecessary things that can be easily avoided. When there is no need to talk, people go on talking. When there is no need to do anything, they cannot sit silently; they have to “do.”
People are obsessed with doing, as if doing is a sort of intoxicant; it keeps them drunk. They remain occupied so that they don't have time to think about the real problems of life. They keep themselves busy so that they don't bump into themselves. They are afraid - afraid of the abyss that is yawning within. This is how energy goes on leaking, and this is why you never have too much of it.
One has to learn to drop the unnecessary. And ninety percent of ordinary life is unnecessary; it can easily be dropped. Be almost telegraphic, keeping just the essential, and you will have so much energy left that one day you will suddenly start blooming, for no reason at all.
August 3
There is a meditation that simply happiness it is not our part to do. On our part, only one thing is needed: that if it happens we do not hinder it.
The meditation that you can manage will remain a mind game. It is your mind that is in control; it is the mind that is doing the meditation. But this meditation cannot take you beyond the mind. How can it, if the mind is the doer of it? Then it is manipulated by the mind and remains something in your hands.
The real meditation is that which is not in your hands; on the contrary, you are in its hands. But techniques can help; they bring you to a point of frustration. They bring you to a point of hopelessness, they bring you to a point of helplessness. They bring you to a point where, out of despair, seeing the vicious circle of your doing, you see that doing leads nowhere... Again and again you come to the same point, you are back to your mind. One day, this insight dawns: that your doing is really your undoing. In that very moment is let-go.
Then all doing disappears, all effort disappears. Something descends from the beyond. That is liberation. And even a single moment of that glimpse is enough. You are never the same again you cannot be the same again.
August 4
The New
Just remember that change is life. In each moment remain available to the new.
When people cling to the old, change stops. Change comes with the new. With the old there is no change, but people cling to the old because it seems secure, comfortable, familiar. You have lived with it, so you know it, you have become skillful in it, knowledgeable about it. With the new again you will be ignorant. With the new you may commit mistakes; with the new, who knows where it will lead? Hence fear arises, and out of this fear you cling to the old. And the moment you start clinging to the old, you have stopped flowing.
Remain available to the new. Always go on dying to the past. It is finished! Yesterday is yesterday, and it can never come back. If you cling to it you will be dead with it; it will become your grave. Open the heart to that which is coming. Welcome the rising sun, and always say good-bye to the setting sun. Feel grateful-it has given so much - but out of gratefulness, don't start clinging to it.
If you can remember this, your life will keep growing, maturing. Each new step, each new adventure, brings new richness. And when the whole of life is a movement, by the time death arrives one is so rich, and has known something so tremendously of the ultimate, that death cannot take anything away. Death comes only to poor people - those who have not lived.