Osho - Weekly Meditation For The Here And Now
Weekly Meditation - Week 44. Reincarnation
October 28
The Eastern concept of reincarnation is beautiful. Whether or not it is true is not the point. It gives you a very relaxed attitude toward life. That is the real thing.
In the West there is too much hurry because of the Christian concept that there is only one life, and with death you are gone and will not be able to come back. That has created a very crazy idea in people's minds. So everybody is in a hurry, running fast.
Nobody worries about where they are going; they just think about going faster, that's all. So nobody is enjoying anything, because how can you enjoy things at such a speed? All of life has become a hit-andrun affair.
To enjoy anything one needs a very relaxed attitude. To enjoy life one needs eternity. How can you enjoy when death is going to come so soon? One tries to enjoy as much as one can, but in that very effort all peace is lost, and without peace there is no enjoyment. Delight is possible only when you are savoring things very slowly. When you have enough time to waste, only then only is delight possible.
The Eastern concept of reincarnation is beautiful. Whether or not it is true is not the point. It gives you a very relaxed attitude toward life. That is the real thing. I am not worried about metaphysics. It may be true, it may not be true; that's not the point at all. To me it is irrelevant. But it gives you a beautiful background.
October 29
History is so ugly. Man has not reached the level at which history should start.It has all been nightmares.
Humanity has nothing yet to write about itself - just a very few cases somewhere a Buddha, somewhere a Jesus, just like faraway stars. Humanity has lived in violence and wars and madness, so it's good, in a way, to forget the past. The past is too heavy and it does not help. In fact, it corrupts the mind. Looking at the past, it seems that humanity cannot grow. It makes things look very hopeless.
History is not yet worth writing or reading. And the very interest in history is not good. History is concerned with the past. It is concerned with the dead. It is concerned with that which is no more. The whole concern should be with that which is right now, this very moment.
Don't only forget history, but forget your biography also, and each morning start your day as if it were completely new, as if you have never existed before. That's what meditation is all about: to start each moment anew, fresh like dew, not knowing anything of the past. When you don't know anything of the past and you don't carry anything of it, you don't project any future. You have nothing to project. When the past disappears, the future also disappears. They are joined together. Then pure present is left. That is pure eternity.
October 30
If you are rooted in love, you are rooted. There is no other way to be rooted.
You can have money, you can have a house, you can have security, you can have a bank balance; those things will not give you rootedness. They are just substitutes, a poor substitute for love. They may increase your anxiety even more, because once you have physical security money, a social status - you become more and more afraid that these things may be taken from you. Or you become worried about having more and more of these things, because discontent knows no limit. And your basic need was of being rooted.
Love is the earth where one needs to be rooted. Just as trees are rooted in the earth, human beings are rooted in love. Our roots are invisible, so anything visible is not going to help. Money is very visible, a house is very visible, social status is very visible. But we are trees with invisible roots. You will have to find some invisible earth - call it love, call it godliness, call it prayer - but it is going to be something like that, something invisible, intangible, elusive, mysterious. You cannot catch hold of it. On the contrary, you will have to allow it to catch hold of you.
October 31
Life has to become a dedication; only then is there meaning, Meaning comes through dedication, and the greater the object of dedication, the greater will be the meaning.
There are people who are dedicated to countries - the fatherland, the motherland. A country is a very tiny thing to surrender to, and foolish, and some Adolf Hitler will exploit this surrendering.
Then there are people who are dedicated to churches - Hinduism, Christianity, Islam. These are better than countries, but they are still a dogma, a creed, a man-made thing, and something that basically divides humanity. One becomes a Christian, another becomes a Hindu, and there is division, there is conflict, there is violence - and the irony of it is that the violence is in the name of love!
So never dedicate yourself to anything that divides.
November 1
With one hand create emptiness, with another create fullness, so that when you are really empty, your fullness can descend into it.
Sometimes it happens that you become addicted to one sort of meditation. That addiction brings about a sort of impoverishment. You should allow many dimensions to penetrate you. You should allow at least two meditations: one inactive, one active. That is a basic requirement; otherwise the personality becomes lopsided.
Watching is a passive process. There is nothing to do. It is not a doing; it is a sort of nondoing. It is a Buddhist meditation - very good, but incomplete. So Buddhists have become very lopsided. They became very quiet and calm, but they missed something - what I call bliss.
Buddhism is one of the most beautiful approaches - but it is incomplete. Something is missing. It has no mysticism in it, no poetry, no romance; it is almost bare mathematics, a geometry of the soul but not a poetry of the soul. And unless you can dance, never be satisfied.
Be silent, but use your silence as an approach toward blissfulness. Do a few dancing meditations, singing meditations, music, so at the same time, your capacity to enjoy, your capacity to be joyful, also increases.
November 2
Love means dropping territorial boundaries. That invisible line has to disappear, hence fear arises, because it is our animal heritage. That's why, once you are in a loving state if mind, you go beyond animal heritage. For the first time you become human, really human. If you really want to live a rich, fulfilled, tremendously vibrant life, then there is no other way but to drop boundaries. The only way is to make more and more contact with people. Allow more and more people to trespass your being, allow more and more people to enter you.
One can be hurt - that's the fear-but that risk has to be taken. It is worth it. If you protect yourself your whole life and nobody is allowed near you, what is the point of your being alive? You will be dead before you are dead. You will not have lived at all. It would be as if you had never existed, because there is no other life than relationship. So the risk has to be taken.
All human beings are just like you. Essentially the human heart is the same. So allow people to come close. If you allow them to come close to you, they will allow you to come close to them. When boundaries overlap, love happens.
November 3
The philosopher invents the truth; it is not a discovery. It is the philosopher's own intellectual invention.
Truth is not to be invented. All that is invented will be untrue. Truth is already here. One has to uncover it, to discover it. There is no need to invent it, because whatever you invent is going to be false. You don't know what truth is; how can you invent it? In ignorance, whatever is invented will be just a projection of ignorance. Truth cannot be invented; it can only be discovered, because it is already the case.
The second thing is that no curtain is covering truth. The curtain is on your eyes. The truth is not hidden. The truth is absolutely clear, right in front of you. Wherever you look, you are looking at the truth. Whatever you do, you are doing to the truth. You know or you know not; that is not the point.
A real seeker of truth is one who will not invent, one who will not guess, one who will not infer, one who will not make a logical syllogism, one who will simply be receptive, open, responding, vulnerable, and available to truth. A seeker of truth has to learn one thing, and that is how to be infinitely passive and patient and waiting. Truth happens to you whenever you are open.