Osho - Weekly Meditation For The Here And Now
Weekly Meditation - Week 24. Surrender
June 10
Deep down you would like to move in a total surrender where all your worries are dissolved and you can simply rest. But you are afraid; everybody is afraid of surrendering.
Ordinarily we think we are somebody - and we are nothing! What have you got to surrender? - just a bogus ego, just an idea that you are somebody. It is just a fiction. When you surrender the fiction, you become the real. When you surrender that which you don't really have, you become that which you are. But we cling, because for our whole lives we have been trained to be independent. For our whole lives we have been trained, programmed to fight, as if the whole of life is nothing but a struggle to survive.
Life is known only when you start surrendering. Then you stop fighting and start enjoying. But in the west, the concept of the ego is very strong, and everybody is trying to conquer something. People even talk of conquering nature; absolutely foolish! We are part of nature how can we conquer it? We can destroy it, we cannot conquer it. That’s the whole of nature is destroyed by and by; the whole ecology is disturbed.
There is nothing to conquer. In fact, one has to move with nature, in nature, and-to allow nature to be.
June 11
Being Hurt
Millions if people have decided not to be sensitive. They have grown thick skins around themselves just to avoid being hurt by anybody. But it is at great cost. Nobody can hurt them, but nobody can make them happy either.
When you start becoming open, both things become available: Sometimes it will be cloudy, and sometimes there will be sun. But if you remain closed off in your cave, then there is no cloud and no sun either. It is good to come out, to dance with the sun, and yes, sometimes to feel sad with the clouds too-and sometimes it will be very windy. When you come out of the cave, all things are possible, and one of the things is that people can hurt you... but that is only one of the things.
Don't think about it too much, otherwise you will become closed again. There are millions of possibilities; think of those things too. You will be happier; you will be more loving. You will be more available, and other people will be more available to you. You will be able to laugh, you will be able to celebrate. There are a thousand and one possibilities. Why choose only one thing, that people will hurt you?
June 12
The Alchemy Of Love
Love is divine. If anything is divine on the earth, it is loveand love also makes everything else divine. Love is the true alchemy of life, because it transforms base metal into gold.
There are ancient stories, many stories in almost all the languages of the world, that somebody kisses a frog and the frog becomes a prince. The frog had been cursed; he was simply waiting for some kiss to be showered on him. He was waiting for love to come and transform him.
Love transforms-that is the message of all those stories. The stories are beautiful, very indicative, symbolic. It is only love that transforms the animal into the human; otherwise there is no difference between humans and other animals. The only difference, the possible difference, is love. And the more you live through love, as love, the more humanity is born in you.
The ultimate, the omega point, is when one has become love. Then not only is the animal transcended, even the human is transcended. Then one is divine, one is God. The whole of human growth is love's growth. Without love we are animals. With love we are human. And when love has become your natural being, your very flavor, you are God.
June 13
Love is wild, and the moment one tries to domesticate it, it is destroyed. Love is a whirlwind of freedom, of wildness, of spontaneity.
You cannot manage love and control it. Controlled, it is dead. Love can be controlled only when you have already killed it. If it is alive, it controls you, not otherwise. If it is alive, it possesses you. You are simply lost in it, because it is bigger than you, vaster than you, more primal than you, more foundational than you.
In the same way God also comes. The same way love comes to you, God comes. God is also wild, wilder than love. A civilized God is no God at all. The God of the church, the God of the temple is just an idol. God has disappeared from those places long ago, because God cannot be imprisoned. Those places are graveyards of God.
If you want to find God, you will have to be available to the wild energy of life. Love is the first glimpse, the beginning of the journey. God is the climax, the culmination, but God comes as a whirlwind. It will uproot you, it will possess you. It will crush you to pieces. It will kill you and resurrect you. It will be both - the cross and the resurrection.
June 14
One can become too attached to having a shelter or protection, but that will not give you strength. Strength always comes when you face situations that are hard.
In the old days people used to move to monasteries and to the Himalayas and to the faraway caves, and they attained to a certain peace there. But that peace was cheap, because whenever these people would come back to the world, it would immediately be shattered. Their peace was so fragile, they would become afraid of the world. So their isolation was a kind of escape, not growth.
Learn to be alone, but never get too attached to your aloneness. Remain capable of relating with others. Learn to meditate, but don't move so far to an extreme that you become incapable of love. Be silent, peaceful, still, but don't get obsessed by this stillness, or you will not be able to face the marketplace.
It is easy to be silent when you are alone. It is difficult to be silent when you are with people, but that difficulty has to he faced. Once you are able to be silent with people, you have attained; now nothing can destroy it.
June 15
There are things that you can know only if you participate.
From the outside you know only superficial things. What is happening to the inside person? Somebody is crying and tear s are flowing. You can watch, but it will be very superficial. What is happening to his heart? Why is he crying? It is difficult even to interpret - because he may be crying out of misery, he may be crying out of sadness, he may be crying out of anger, he may be crying out of happiness, he may be crying out of gratitude.
And tears are just tears. There is no way to analyze a tear chemically to find out from where it comes-from deep gratitude, from a blissful state, or from misery - because all tears are the same. Chemically they don't differ, and they look the same rolling clown the cheeks. So it is almost impossible, as far as the deeper realms are concerned, to conclude from the outside.
A person cannot be observed. Only things can be observed. You can know from the within. That means that you have to know those tears yourself; otherwise you will never really know them. Much can be learned by observation, and it is good that you watch, very good. But that is nothing compared to what you can learn by participating.
June 16
Sometimes you are cold; sometimes you are not. Don't create a problem out if it. When cold, be cold, and don't feel guilty about it.
There is no need to remain warm for twenty-four hours. That would be tiring. One needs a little rest. When you are cold, the energy is moving inward; when you are warm, the energy is moving outward. Of course, other people would like you always to be warm, because then your energy moves toward them. When you are cold, your energy is not moving toward them, so they feel offended. They will tell you that you are cold. But it is for you to decide.
In those cold moments you hibernate, you go within your being. Those are meditative moments. So this is my suggestion - when you feel cold, close the doors from relationships and moving with people. Feeling that you are cold, go home and meditate. That is the right moment to meditate. With energy itself moving in, you can ride on it and go to the very innermost core of your being. There will be no fight. You can simply move with the current. And when you are feeling warm, move out. Forget all about meditation. Be loving. Use both states, and don't worry about it.