Osho - Weekly Meditation For The Here And Now
Weekly Meditation - Week 25. Scriptures
June 17
There are many scriptures, and much great philosophy, but they are all rubbish! They exist just to let the foolish people get occupied; they are not for the real seeker.
What I am saying is absolutely alive, new, fresh, and young. It is not traditional at all, it is a totally different phenomenon-it has to be. Because scriptures that were written three thousand years ago were meant for the people for whom it was written. That psychology no longer functions in the world. I am responding to you; those scriptures responded to their people.
Those scriptures were not written for you. There is a gap of three, four, five thousand years between you and those scriptures. They are utterly irrelevant. Relying on them would be as absurd as somebody who studies physics stopping at Newton and never getting to Albert Einstein.
But scriptures can't respond to living people; they can't grow. That's why in the old days many masters insisted that their sayings should not be written down, so that they could keep on growing. The masters would give their message to their disciples, and the disciples would live in a different world.
The masters would be gone, and the disciples would be teaching something to other people in their own right. They would make many changes, because the people have changed, situations have changed. But once you write a book it becomes fixed; it becomes frozen. Nobody can change it, and if somebody does, then the followers of the book will become very angry.
June 18
When sad, be really sad, sink into sadness. What else can you do?
Sadness is needed. It is very relaxing, a dark night that surrounds you. Fall asleep into it. Accept it, and you will see that the moment you accept sadness, it starts becoming beautiful. Sadness is ugly because of our rejection of it; it is not ugly in itself. Once you accept it, you will see how beautiful it is, how relaxing, how calm and quiet, how silent. It has something to give that happiness can never give.
Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That's its balance.
You cannot bring the balance. The balance that you bring is of no use. It will be forced. Balance comes spontaneously; it is already there. In fact, when you are happy, you become so excited that it is tiring. Have you watched? The heart immediately moves then into the other direction, gives you a rest. You feel it as sadness. It is giving you a rest, because you were getting too excited. It is medicinal, therapeutic. It is just as in the day you work hard and in the night you fall deeply asleep. In the morning you are fresh again.
After sadness you will be fresh again, ready to be excited.
June 19
Unenlightened Love
Love does not necessarily mean freedom. It should - that is the ideal. Always remember, if you love somebody with awareness, only then will it be a blessing.
Love can be destructive in many ways, because love is not necessarily enlightened. A mother loves the child and the whole world is suffering because mothers love their children. Ask the psychiatrists, the psychologists. They say that every neurosis can be reduced to the mother-child relationship. Many people in the insane asylums are suffering from nothing but love. Fathers love their sons, priests love, politicians love. Everybody is loving, but love is not necessarily enlightened.
When love is enlightened, it is compassion. Then it is of a totally different quality. It gives you freedom. Its whole function is to give freedom, absolutely. And not only that it talks about freedom-it makes every effort to make you free and to destroy all the hindrances on the path of freedom.
So love can exist, but if it is not very alert, then it is destructive. Love alone is not enough, otherwise the world would already have become a paradise. You love your partner, your partner loves you, but what happens finally? Nothing but destruction. Your love is okay, but you are not okay. Something is there deep down in the unconscious that goes on creating things you are not aware of.
I don't say that love should be denied, but love should not come first. Awareness should come first. Love has to follow like a shadow.
June 20
Once you become capable of playing roles, you become free of them.
What is the difficulty in playing a role? The difficulty comes because you are fixed with another role and you think that is your personality. You have been playing one role, and you have become so identified with it that a different role seems impossible. You will have to loosen yourself from the past and move into your new role. But it is good to move into new roles. And just think-it is just a role, a game that you are playing.
Your essence has no personality. Your essence has no roles. It can play all the roles, but it has no character. That's what makes inner freedom beautiful. So just be an actor. In one film the actor is playing one role, in another film another role. Maybe in the morning she is in one role, and in the evening she is in another. She simply slips from one role to another-and there is no problem, because she knows it is just acting.
All of life should be like that. One should be so capable of slipping in and out of roles in that nothing holds one. You will start feeling a freedom arising in you, and you will start feeling your real essence. Otherwise you are always confined in a role.
June 21
A Game
Play your role, enjoy it; it is fun. But take it lightly. It is not worth worrying about.
Whatever role you have to play in a certain circumstance, play it to your utmost ability, play it totally. But once it is finished, whether you have succeeded or failed is irrelevant. Don't look back; move ahead. There are other roles you have to play. Failure and success are unimportant. What is important is the awareness that everything is a game.
When your whole life becomes full of this awareness, you are freed, nothing binds you, you are no longer tethered to anything. Then you are no longer imprisoned by anything. You use masks, but you know that they are not your original face. And you can remove the mask, because now you know it for what it is. It is removable. And now you can know your original face too. The one who is aware that life is a game comes to know the original face. And to know one's original face is to know all that is worth knowing.
June 22
Everything is futile. One has to understand this. if you don 't understand it, you will always remain in illusion. Everything is futile, and in life there is no progress, no improvement, because life is eternally there. Life is already perfect.
All that you try to do to make life more perfect is futile, but it takes time to realize it. When you are feeling stuck, you do two things. You can change your lifestyle, and then for a few days again you will be on a honeymoon, with hopes and desires and ambitions, and the possibility of tomorrow again will become alive. But after a few days you realize that tomorrow never comes. Again you are stuck, and the whole thing again becomes a routine.
It is just like when you love a woman or a man. The honeymoon over, the love is over. By the end of the honeymoon, you are again seeking and searching for another. You can go on in this way from one honeymoon to another, but it is not going to help. You have to realize that there is nothing to achieve in life. Life is not goal oriented. Life is eternally here now. It is already perfect. It cannot be improved upon.
Once you realize this, then there is no future, no hope, no desire, and no ambition. You live this moment; you enjoy and delight in it.
June 23
Something To Share
Love is a relationship between you and somebody else. Meditation is a relationship between YOU and you. Love is outgoing, meditation is ingoing. Love is a sharing. But how can you share love if you don't have it in the first place? What will you share?
People have anger, people have jealousies, people have hatred, so in the name of love they start sharing these things, because that's what they have. Once the honeymoon is over and you put down your masks, and the reality is revealed, then what will you share? You will share that which you have. If anger, then anger, if possessiveness, then possessiveness. Then there is fighting and conflict and struggle, and each tries to dominate the other.
Meditation will give you something you can share. Meditation will give you the quality, the energy that can become love when you are related to somebody. Ordinarily you don't have that quality. Nobody has it. You have to create it. Love is not something you are born with. It is something that you have to create; it is something that you have to become. It is a struggle, an effort, and a great art.
When you have overflowing love within you, then you can share. But that can happen only when you can relate to yourself. And meditation is nothing but learning to relate to yourself.