Osho - Weekly Meditation For The Here And Now
Weekly Meditation - Week 26. Planetary Being
June 24
Planetary Being
The earth is undivided. India and Pakistan and England and Germany exist only on maps, and those maps are created by the politicians, the power-mad people. This whole earth is yours.
There is no need to identify with anything. Why become confined to small territories? Why be confined by politics? Claim the whole heritage of the earth. It is your earth. Be a planetary being rather than a national one. Forget about India and England and think of the whole globe. Think of each and everyone as brothers and sisters; they are!
When you are an Indian you are against others. You have to be, otherwise how will you define your Indianhood? You are against China, against Pakistan, and against this and against that; all identifications are basically against. When you are for something, you are against something else, naturally. Don't be for and against - just be.
There are better things to think about. You don't ask, "With what disease should I identify myself-tuberculosis or cancer?" You don't ask that. These national identities are just like tuberculosis and cancer. In a better world there will be no countries, in a higher world there will be no religions. To be human is enough, and one has even to go beyond that one day; then one becomes divine. Then even this earth is too small to contain you, then the stars are also yours, this whole universe is yours. And when one becomes universal, one has arrived.
June 25
Now What?
While you are doing something - carving something, painting something, sculpting something - You are lost in it. That is your joy, your meditation. But when it is finished, naturally you come back to the mind, and the mind can start asking, "What is the point?"
It is said about Gibbon that when he finished his history of the world, he wept. It had been thirty years' work; day and night, year in, year out, he worked and worked. He had only four hours of sleep and twenty hours of work each day. When it was finished, he wept. His wife could not believe it, his disciples could not believe it.
They said, "Why are you weeping?" Everybody was happy that the work was complete, when the greatest record of history was complete. But he was crying, "Now what will I do? I am finished!" And he died within three years; there was nothing else for him to do.
He had always been a young man; the day his work was finished he became old. It happens to every creator: A painter is so passionately in the painting that when it is finished, the feeling arises, "Now what? Why did I do it?" Great awareness is needed to see that the joy of painting is in painting itself. There is no result-the end and the means are not separate.
If you are enjoying something, that is the point of it; don't ask for anything else. What more do you need? The attainment is in the very process. You have grown through it; that is the attainment. You have become deeper through it; that is the attainment. You have come closer to the center of your being; that is the attainment. If you are aware, the feeling of pointlessness will disappear.
June 26
From this moment start thinking in terms of yourself being the cause of your life and your world. This is the meaning if being a seeker: to take total responsibility for one's own being.
Misery has no outer cause; the cause is inner. You go on throwing the responsibility outside yourself, but that is just an excuse. Yes, misery is triggered from the outside, but the outside does not create it. When somebody insults you, the insult comes from the outside, but the anger is inside you. The anger is not caused by the insult, it is not the effect of the insult. If there were no anger energy in you, the insult would have remained impotent. It would have simply passed, and you would not have been disturbed by it.
Causes don't exist outside human consciousness; causes exist inside you. You are the cause of your life, and to understand this is to understand one of the most basic truths. To understand this is to start a journey of transformation.
June 27
Nature intends everybody to be an emperor. Nature creates only kings and queens, but we never accept that; it looks too good to be true.
Bliss is the only criterion of whether you are arriving closer to truth or not. The closer you come to truth, the more blissful you become; the farther away from truth, the more miserable. Misery is nothing but distance from truth; bliss is closeness, intimacy. And when one has become one with truth, there is ultimate bliss, 'which cannot be taken away, because all distance has disappeared, all space between you and truth has disappeared.
The truth exists at the central core of our being, but we exist on the periphery. We live on the porch of a palace and have forgotten the palace completely. We have decorated our small porch and we think that is all there is. We are self-condemned beggars. Nature intends everybody to be an emperor, Nature creates only kings and queens, but we never accept that; it looks too good to be true. We are happy in our misery. Misery gives something, and that is the ego. Misery gives ego, and bliss takes it away.
We would like to be even if we are miserable; we don't want to disappear. And that is the gamble. One has to disappear; only then are bliss and truth possible.
June 28
Psychological Disease
Human pathology exists because we have to transcend. If you cannot transcend humanity, you will become pathological.
You have an inner capacity to go beyond, but if you don't allow it, it will turn on you and become destructive. All creative people are dangerous people, because if they are not allowed creativity they will become destructive.
Human beings are the only animals on the earth who are creative; no other animal is so dangerous because no other animal creates. They simply live, they have a programmed life, they never go off the track. A dog lives like a dog and dies like a dog. He never tries to become a Buddha, and of course he never goes astray and becomes an Adolf Hitler. He simply follows the track. He is very conservative, orthodox, bourgeois; all animals except human beings are bourgeois.
Human beings have something of the freak in them. They want to do something, to go somewhere, to be; and if it is not allowed, if they cannot be a rose, then they would like to be a weed-but they would like to be something. If they cannot become buddhas, they will become criminals, If they cannot create poetry, they will create nightmares. If they cannot bloom, they will not allow anybody else to bloom.
June 29
All is divine! Let this be your first fundamental — it can change you utterly.
It is natural that you will forget that all is divine many times; don't be worried about that. The moment you remember again, let it be there. Don't repent that you forgot for one hour. That is natural. It is such an old habit; for many lives we have lived in the habit. So it is natural. Don't feel guilty about it.
If you can remember even for a few seconds out of twenty-four hours, that will do - because truth is so potential, so powerful, that a small drop of it is enough to destroy your whole world of untruth. Just one ray of light is enough to destroy the darkness of thousands of years. So it is not a question of quantity, remember. It is not a question of your remembering twenty-four hours a day-how can you? But one day you will suddenly see that the impossible has become the possible.
June 30
It is good to be involved in many things. A person who has been doing one thing, and only one thing, becomes very fixed, and change becomes difficult.
It is very good that people go on changing from this to that job; that keeps them fluid. In a better world, everything will be more mobile than it is, and people should be changing continually so that nothing becomes a fixation - a fixation is a disease.
Each new job, each new project, brings a new quality to your being - it makes you richer.